Friday, January 2, 2009

Flying in the face of Reality

A number of years ago Gene Kira put the question out on his Fish Mexico site about Mexican buses and safety. Gene was curious about the safety record and any personal experiences that anyone might relate to him. I never saw a follow up story so it may be that there was nothing to report. At the time I had little to say about accidents and the like.

By the way, if you have an interest in fishing you might want to check out his book, “The Baja Catch” or if you are just interested in a good read you could look into, “The King of the Moon”. He has this Mexico thing down pretty well. A few years back I corresponded with Gene for a bit and sent in pictures and such for his fishing report. Anyway, once again I am going “tangential” and should get back to where I was headed.

In the past few years I have ridden many buses, usually from Tucson to Guaymas, and have done the crossing from La Paz to Topolobompo by ferry as well. In general the buses have always been a positive experience and so far no accidents have occurred. While this is still the case I had a thing happen on this trip from Barra de Navidad to Puerto Vallarta and back that was a first.
We had just come over the top of a hill and there was a straight flat stretch in front of us. Ahead I saw a road kill of some sort surrounded by Turkey Vultures. Naturally they all spread their wings and started to take off as the bus approached. One of the birds, a particularly large one I thought, was slow gaining altitude and the direction he chose could have been better by a wide margin. We caught up to him and he ended up doing a spectacular vulture butt plant on the windshield and rolled into the mirror. At this point I have no idea if he survived this but the thud of his hits makes me think he didn’t fare too well!! That is one big bird with lots of feathers.


DMC Friend said...

I am left scratching my head...

Are these really deep thoughts or left overs from the New Years celebration. Why DID the vulture choose that particular route? Was it too youung to know? If it was too young, how did it get so big? What seat were you sitting in that you couldn't see the end result? These are all important, unanswered questions.
I hope that it is all fun.

Cleat said...

Simply put there are no windows in the rear of the bus!!! The vulture was really big in my vision when the impact occurred... blood and feathers everywhere. I'm not sure it pays to get a seat in the front of the bus anyway. At the end of the day it's all considered fun (unless you get cross ways with the bus)!!

Brad said...

Thanks for your music recommendations in your previous post Chris. I will try to hunt them down. To give justice to your great photos, I found if you double "click" on them (such as the fireworks pics) they fill the page in glorius detail and color. Happy New Year!
