Friday, June 6, 2008

New Start

So, as a refugee from the Yahoo! 360 blog where do I start here? It got too difficult to constantly have my posts spin out into cyberspace never to return... it meant that people could not read what I was putting out because it was never what came up when you went there. I really didn't want to start over but here I am; starting over. If, at some point, I can bring all that over here I will.

Here was my last entry from over there that never showed up:

Having seen recent articles regarding the plastic "islands" in the Pacific and having seen junk floating off shore there is a need to raise awareness of this issue. Maybe we can walk part way to Hawaii!! These guys may be a little nuts but it's a great project to bring the proper forces together to start capturing the plastic before it gets to the ocean.

Hopefully they will make it to Hawaii and tell the tale... maybe even add to the raft as they go.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Starting over. Hmmm. That applies in more ways than one. Life in the Universe is good and always fun. Faith is anxious to go. Love, Sandy