Friday, September 14, 2012

Finally a New Direction!!

So, the year has come along that was inevitable. This coming year is supposed to be an El Niño year. The last time this happened for us was 2009. That year we had very short weather windows to move the boat from place to place. We got pounded a few times and would have liked to have just done something else more than once. 

In any event, we got to talking and decided that our bucket list could be approached from a new direction. We have lived in the travel trailer during our summers off for 3 of the last four years and have inadvertently preparing for more RV-ing. We didn't know it at the time but we have gotten a lot of experience in planning trips and storing items for travel. We have gotten into a mind set that has us moving much of the time and exploring places we have been before with new eyes or finding completely new places. We also like to stay warmer than we can if we stay in Vancouver all winter! 

The new-to-us motor home (Trudie) and the toad (PT Cruiser - Posie) are a set. But there is a small glitch that I need to solve before we get under way. 

Last year we took the travel trailer to Mexico as usual. Not as usual we found that we had to get a Temporary Import Permit (TIP) to bring the trailer in that time. We dutifully got the TIP and when we were leaving the country we asked each other if we should turn it in and cancel it before we left. Having decided at that time that we would just be coming back the coming year we did not cancel the TIP. So I will be towing the trailer down to Nogales (K-21) to accomplish that before leaving the trailer in the Phoenix area to be put up for sale. If the TIP isn't cancelled we would not be able to get a new TIP if we want to take Trudie to Mexico in the future. I found the time in the schedule to accomplish all this in the first half of October. This will be a "fast" turn around trip but that is a relative term. I can only drive so far and so fast towing the trailer. Not having Sandy and Abby along for this trip will make it a little easier on all of us but it will still take time.